
Hello there
An exciting week in the Carhart Household!! Not only have we taken receipt of a new garden gate and some timber to make a new bath panel (2 exciting DIY jobs there!) but the children have also been to visit both sets of grandparents to alleviate some of the boredom for them whilst we were working. They were both very excited and enjoyed their visits even if they were only for a few hours.

I have been reading this week, the first few chapters of Joshua. If you follow us on Facebook you have have seen me quote Chapter 1 verse 9 which says "I hereby command you; Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.". It's a scriptural reminder of what I often say at the end of our services which is to remind us all that God is in command and because the God of love is in command then we can be strong and we can be courageous. When we read on through Joshua we learn about the tribes on a journey. They don't really know where they are going or what they will encounter on the way, but they trust Joshua, as they trusted Moses before him. Commonly, August is a little lull in the church calendar. It's that time before the new church year, where we get to rest a while and prepare ourselves for the mission which is ahead. This year, that is especially true for us as we do not know what September holds. When, how we might meet again, or indeed IF we will be able to this year; well we simply don't yet know. Our journey will be continuing with a new minister and how we meet him may also be under different circumstances. The new church year may even be a chance to do "church" differently, not simply because of COVID, with all it's new norms but also a chance to re-shape ourselves in mission and love. So much is possible. What we definitely do know is that like the tribes in Joshua, we are to look for God's prophets and trust in God. The God of love has commanded us to be brave and courageous, 2020 is the time to trust and be brave, whether we must worship at home or at EMCC.

I hope you will have chance to enjoy the summer. We four hope to see you again soon.
Have a great week.
With our love in his name, always!
Jon, Helen, Josh and Beth


You can find all our services on our Church website here


Tristan and I would love to receive your formal feedback please. We need one formal review for each service we submit as a part of our portfolios so if you are able to compete a form now and then that would be great! You can find them here :-)Feedback

Thank you !


Contact Details

Mobile: 07884 232829
Land line: 01752 480319
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Please remember you can get these notices via our notices blog on this page of our website: if you don't get this email do check there, anytime.


For those who would like to we are continuing our Wednesday prayers, starting at 7pm we are each praying at home. We end at 715 with the Lord's prayer. You can find out more on our website.


I am pleased to be able to share with you the latest edition of the COURIER magazine. Please find it attached to this email.
Many Thanks

A circuit video

Our new Performing arts enabler has prepared a video telling of some of the things happening across the circuit during lockdown. You will also see a short message from our new superintendent. Many thanks to Josh for the idea of passing something between us all!


JAM & IMPACT are now taking their summer break, we will be returning in September to a Zoom near you.


Please remember Denise hosts a coffee morning at 1030 each Saturday on Zoom, please get in touch for zoom details.



We are planning over the summer to host an on-line quiz via Zoom. It would be a short event 30-40 minutes. If you'd like to take part would you let Helen know please? If there is enough interest we will plan a date for it.
Many Thanks

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