
Hello again, another week has flown past. We have been having lots of fun in the Carhart household. Beth has been amazing with the hammer, she has attached lots of tongue and groove to battens for our new bath panel. Josh was been busy cutting the wood and drilling holes in the wall for a new towel rail. Very proud Dad - they have done lots of jobs. The painting was possibly the most messy though! (and the most fun?)

Summer is definitely upon us, and it's very hot out there, you may have noticed! This week we are looking in our service at how Jesus came to change the way of the world. He gave us a new way to obtain righteousness (that rightful relationship with God). We no longer need follow the law alone, we can obtain righteousness by simply believing in him. That gift of grace, that gift of free forgiveness and righteousness is open to everyone. Our reading Roman's 10 v5-15 make it clear that this faith based method is available to 100% of the human population.
There is one part of this week's reading we don't talk about and that's v14 and v15. These verses point out the obvious fact that no one can access that gift if no one tells them about it. There is then a challenge for you and I to share this exciting news with the world. That doesn't mean we need to hire an aeroplane and a big banner. Instead we can share that message in our daily encounters, in conversations, in letters and emails and anywhere we meet someone who just doesn't know. They have a right to know how happy they could be if they knew of this gift.

Right, we have a door to paint, and lots of other jobs to do, so time to crack on. We four send you our love and wish you a happy and blessed week!
Jon, Helen, Josh and Beth


You can find all our services on our Church website here


Tristan and I would love to receive your formal feedback please. We need one formal review for each service we submit as a part of our portfolios so if you are able to compete a form now and then that would be great! You can find them here :-)Feedback

Thank you !


Contact Details

Mobile: 07884 232829
Land line: 01752 480319
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Please remember you can get these notices via our notices blog on this page of our website: if you don't get this email do check there, anytime.


For those who would like to we are continuing our Wednesday prayers, starting at 7pm we are each praying at home. We end at 715 with the Lord's prayer. You can find out more on our website.


If you didn't recieve or you've lost your copy of the Courier please note you can find them on our website anytime :-).

A circuit video

Our new Performing arts enabler has prepared a video telling of some of the things happening across the circuit during lockdown. You will also see a short message from our new superintendent. Many thanks to Josh for the idea of passing something between us all!


JAM & IMPACT are now taking their summer break, we will be returning in September to a Zoom near you.


Please remember Denise hosts a coffee morning at 1030 each Saturday on Zoom, please get in touch for zoom details.



We are planning over the summer to host an on-line quiz via Zoom. It would be a short event 30-40 minutes. If you'd like to take part would you let Helen know please? If there is enough interest we will plan a date for it.
Many Thanks

This Week's service

I mentioned in this week's service a few commentaries I had read that helped me with understanding v6 in particualr. You can find my references here if you should want to read some more for yourslef.

Hits: 1717