
I hope many of you will be able to join us on-line as usual this Sunday. Our service is being led by Tristan and I think he will be bringing us Leviticus. I'm looking forward to watching it this morning. Hope you will be able to catch the service, links are below.

In this week's lectionary there is also Psalm 90. It contains this portion:

"Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, so that we may rejoice and be glad all our days."

Even though restrictions are lighter in our part of the world and many of us are able to get out and about, life is still a new challenge and different. I know some of you still find yourselves very much home alone. The passage immediately made me think of the idea that God's love, his wonderful unending love, is sufficient for all our needs and all our situations. Sometimes we just need to pause and focus on that fact. Secondly it tugged my mind to think about rejoicing every day. That is a really hard ask, but a valid one. We should seek to count our blessings and be joyful in them, making the most of each day as best we can. This week we did exactly that and after school we had an end of term disco. Just the four of us, music, party games, party tea and disco lights. Click the link below to see a video.

So we have tried this week to make the most of our day and I hope you will be able to find the opportunity to do the same.

The Church council met this week on Zoom and have decided to offer more Zoom services in the evenings. You can find details of this in the text below from Di. Equally the council have directed the stewards and property team to consider a physical opening in November, again details below.

Well there we are, it is half term and I am ready for a rest as are Helen and the children. Let's hope the weather improves, Josh wants to explore Dartmoor. I'd better find my compass :)

May the God of love bless you with days full of blessings counted and time spent in his presence.

With our love!
Jon, Helen, Josh and Beth

From Di
The Church Council agreed to hold Evening Services via Zoom at 6.30p.m.


Dates already agreed are: 25th October - Di Smart; 1st and 15th November - Andy.
8th and 22nd - to be agreed.

The Church Council agreed that the Stewards, Property reps and Andy would meet to discuss ways and means of opening from Advent Sunday, 29th November. More details later.

HARVEST As well as the generous Harvest donations of food for the Food Bank, the wonderful amount of 330 pounds was given in money, which the treasurer will send to help in the great work that the FoodBank does. Once more EMC has shown it's generosity to those less fortunate than ourselves.

We have been asked by Tony to share this with you:
Phone scam: People get an automated call informing them that "Due to illegal activities, their access to the Internet is going to be removed within the next few hours", or similar words. They are then informed and invited to contact their Internet supplier by pressing 1. DON'T PRESS ANYTHING. JUST HANG UP.

Church building security
Some time between noon on Thursday 3rd September 2020 and the morning of Monday 7th September 2020 and again between Thursday 1st October and Tuesday 6th October 2020 one of our keyholders entered the building by the car park doors but when they left they omitted to set the top and bottom bolts before locking the rear door. This meant that the doors could be pulled open and anyone could enter the building. These top and bottom locks must to set before leaving and locking the building securely.

Rev Andy Chislett-Mcdonald
07960 050355


You can find all our services on our Church website here


Tristan and I would love to receive your formal feedback please. We need one formal review for each service we submit as a part of our portfolios so if you are able to compete a form now and then that would be great! You can find them here :-)Feedback

Thank you !


Contact Details

Mobile: 07884 232829
Land line: 01752 480319
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Please remember you can get these notices via our notices blog on this page of our website: if you don't get this email do check there, anytime.


For those who would like to we are continuing our Wednesday prayers, starting at 7pm we are each praying at home. We end at 7:15 with the Lord's prayer. You can find out more on our website.


JAM & IMPACT are yet to return to their on-line or in-person sessions, we hope to provide details about the plans soon.


Please remember Denise hosts a coffee morning at 1030 each Saturday on Zoom, please get in touch for zoom details.


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