
How has your week been? I hope you have been able to make the most of these quieter times and have one eye to the joyful news that Christmas reminds us of, the birth of Christ. We are really blessed this week that our service is being led by Andy with readings from his wife, Ruth. The service has already been uploaded to our website so take a look anytime.

We are also introducing a new initiative this week "Crumbs from the table", with the help of local supermarkets we are hoping to support around 30 local families who would benefit from some essential food this Christmas. The school has identified those in need and we are keen to share some love and compassion this year. It would be great if you could support this and more details can be found here We are essentially asking if you would pledge to contribute to this scheme so that we can provide a bag of goodies later in December.

What about our week, well Josh finished his bike ability and got a certificate for his very damp bike riding efforts; it rained a lot! Beth has been busy learning to knit with Helen who is making a blanket or a scarf, I can't remember which and I have several times got it wrong so not going to ask again. Lets hope she doesn't read this :-)

It is the Sunday before Advent and many of the lectionary readings now turn to the topic of the Jesus' return in power and glory. These are not doom and gloom texts, instead they are pointers to a happier time when suffering and pain will have passed away. As followers of Christ these are times we can look forward to. Looking forward to happier times is something we have often talked about over the last few months. There is another passage set this week from Psalm 95

O come, let us sing to the Lord;
let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving;
let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!
For the Lord is a great God,
and a great King above all gods.
In his hand are the depths of the earth;
the heights of the mountains are his also.
The sea is his, for he made it,
and the dry land, which his hands have formed.

This passsage speaks for itself and is a reminder of God's constancy. It reminds us that he is always to be praised, that we should find space at home in these times to worship the God of love who loves us. We should make a joyfull noise in our homes for him! It contains also those re-assuring words "In his hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains..." everthing is his, he is greater than all of it! This psalm underpins something I often say which is that all is well as the God of creation, the God overall is in command!

May that same God of creation, of love, of hope, of happy tomorrows fill you with his love and grace today, tomorrow and always!

With our love!
Jon, Helen, Josh and Beth

Please do remember there are two services this week, you can watch our online service via the link on this page. You can also watch recordings of all our previous services.
In addition, on Sunday night at 6:30 there will be a Zoom service led by Andy. Details on how to join can be found further down this notice sheet.
Hope to see you there :-)

From Di
The Church Council agreed to hold Evening Services via Zoom at 6.30p.m.

22nd November - Phil Walsh
29th November - Di Smart
6th December - Brenda Younds
13th December - Andy
20th December - Andy

Rev Andy Chislett-Mcdonald
07960 050355

Something else to celebrate this week is that over 300 people are now following and engaging with us on Facebook. Facebook has proven over the past three years to be an invaluable tool in reaching out to people of many generations and sharing our message. If you aren't following us you can do so at

ANDY's Messages
If you are not already aware Andy is sharing a message everyday during lockdown and you can read this on our facebook page. You don't need a Facebook account to do that, if you come as a guest Facebook behaves like any other website. You can read all his past posts here:

We are now planning to re-open the premises for worship on Sunday 6th December 2020 at 1030 am. This is clearly dependent on the national lockdown being released. Preparations are well under way and the leaflet you can read here gives you more details on the church's plans. Please note a correction from last week in that you must book by and not from the Thursday of the week you wish to attend EMCC.


You can find all our services on our Church website here


Tristan and I would love to receive your formal feedback please. We need one formal review for each service we submit as a part of our portfolios so if you are able to compete a form now and then that would be great! You can find them here :-)Feedback

Thank you !


You can find all the details here

Contact Details

Mobile: 07884 232829
Land line: 01752 480319
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Please remember you can get these notices via our notices blog on this page of our website: if you don't get this email do check there, anytime.


For those who would like to we are continuing our Wednesday prayers, starting at 7pm we are each praying at home. We end at 7:15 with the Lord's prayer. You can find out more on our website.


JAM & IMPACT are yet to return to their on-line or in-person sessions, we hope to provide details about the plans soon.


Please remember Denise hosts a coffee morning at 1030 each Saturday on Zoom, please get in touch for zoom details.


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