
Hi all,

This week we are looking at Genesis in our service we will be talking about the surprising, amazing love of God that both understand and forgives us and how we have good cause to trust him. You can find this week's service on our website here 

We have had another busy week at home. Josh has gotten into the swing of his school work, he now starts early to get it over and done with. We have also found a store of old Formula 1 races to watch, we are making our way through them. Beth is less keen on her school work but she does get it done, she is currently having her face painted by Helen.

As you may know both Tristan and I are going through our LP training. Something that would be really helpful would be if I can ask some of you to complete feedback for is each week. We only need one person each week so please don't feel you have to do this every time. To make it as easy as possible I have created a web page with the feedback form. You don't need to send the actual form in, simply answering the questions in an email would be great. If you fancy doing that for a previous week, feel free :-)

We are also continuing our weekly prayer for each other, the community and the world. You can join us in your own home 7pm to 715 pm each Wednesday. See here for more details. 

So onto another week, the lockdown is easing and although this may not be the end of the pandemic it might be that we have reached the end of the beginning, sorry I couldn't resist the quotation. 

At the risk of appearing to be stuck, I want to remind end by reminding you we have a God who loves us, and who as the creator is in command of everything, including yesterday, today and tomorrow. May you come to know his love and may he bless you this week.

With our love

Jon, Helen, Josh and Beth xx


Contact Details

07884 232829

01752 480319

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Please remember you can get these notices via our notices blog on this page of our website: so if you don't get this email do check there, anytime.

A few other notices for you this week....

Doreen Sparey-Delacassa 

I received this wonderful notice from Doreen Sparey-Delacassa this weeks, and with her permission I share it with you, should any of you remember her do let me know :-)
Back in 1972 my husband Roger and I moved to Plymstock and became members of your congregation. Revd Charles Holgate was the minister then. It was an exciting time of great growth and action. My eldest son was baptised there in spring 1975 (April?) and then the navy moved us on. Therefore I was very thrilled to be asked by MWIB to lead your worship next Sunday and am disappointed that I can't be there. Please accept my blessings and prayers. Maybe, when they 'let us out' I can drive down and see you - if I have a Sunday when I'm not preaching somewhere.
May God be with you all
Revd D M Sparey-Delacassa
(I was just Sparey when I was there. Roger died in 1985.)
A little quiz for you from Helen....
There are 30 books of the bible in this paragraph. Can you find them? This is a most remarkable puzzle.  It was found by a gentleman in an airplane seat pocket on a flight from Los Angeles to Honolulu, keeping him occupied for hours.  He enjoyed it so much, he passed it on to some friends. One friend from Illinois worked on this while fishing from his john boat. Another friend studied it while playing his banjo. Elaine Taylor, a columnist friend, was so intrigued by it she mentioned it in her weekly newspaper column. Another friend judges the job of solving this puzzle so involving, she brews a cup of tea to help her nerves. There will be some names that are really easy to spot. That’s a fact. Some people, however, will soon find themselves in a jam, especially since the book names are not necessarily capitalised. Truthfully, from answers we get, we are forced to admit it usually takes a minister or a scholar to see some of them at the worst. Research has shown that something in our genes is responsible for the difficulty we have in seeing the books in this paragraph. During a recent fundraising event, which featured this puzzle, the Alpha Delta Phi lemonade booth set a new record. The local paper, The Chronicle, surveyed over 200 patrons who reported that this puzzle was one of the most difficult they had ever seen. As Daniel Humana humbly puts it, “The books are all right here in plain view hidden from sight.” Those able to find all of them will hear great lamentations from those who have to be shown. One revelation that may help is that books like Timothy and Samuel may occur without their numbers. Also, keep in mind, that punctuation and spaces in the middle are normal. A chipper attitude will help you compete really well against those who claim to know the answers. Remember, there is no need for a mad exodus. There really are 30 books of the bible lurking somewhere in this paragraph waiting to be found. God bless.


​                                     AH YES, I REMEMBER IT WELL!

Hello, everyone, hope you are all well and coping fairly well with the present situation. A small

“Courier” will reach you soon, but we are looking to having a regular issue when things get more

normal. Before “lockdown” we were looking to have a feature for VE Day, but events overtook us.

We did though, have an interview with our two veterans, Ivor and Bill which were in the last

publication. We cannot let such an important anniversary pass without some sort of recognition. It is

therefore intended to go ahead with our original plan and we need your help. Please think about

letting us know these three things. On the day it was announced that the war was over 1) where you

were 2) what you were doing there 3) how you were told the news. There may not be many of you

who remember, but we would all love to hear your experiences of that special day. If you need help

with writing it we can arrange that. Please send, or contact  Liz or myself with your contributions.

Keep safe, keep healthy, keep smiling and look forward to when we can be together again.



From Brenda

Brenda has sent me to documents to share with you, and I’d like to do those by sharing scanned copies via our website. So please find those documents on the links below…



You can find all our services on our Church website here….

Re-opening the Building

Simon and the stewards have been in discussion around the question of re-opening our building for worship. Many of us are longing for the day when we will be able to do so, but equally appreciate the need for caution at these times. EMCC has decided that we do not think opening our building makes sense until September, at the earliest. Clearly we will continue to seek advice from government and the connexion.

This will doubtless be disappointing for many, but the decision is based on the need to protect all of those in our Church and community. I would emphasize our Church is not closed. In fact, our Church is fully active, but in new ways. We are still the Church of Christ, just a little dispersed.

Please do let me know if you know of others who would like to receive these notices or our on-line services. Equally please let us know also if folks are not receiving Simon’s weekly notes.

For now our building remains closed, except for the weekly maintenance visit and when it re-opens new procedures and processes will doubtless be needed.




Please do remember these both take place via Zoom each Sunday at 10:30. Please contact me for joining details.

Getting Help

Rachel has shared with me the details of how you can get help from the NHS responders if you need to do so, here are the details...

NHS Responders can be contacted for shopping, collection of medicines and driving to hospital appointments. They can be contacted between 8am and 8pm on 08081963646 Find out more on Portal for NHS Volunteer Responders | Royal Voluntary Service

Thy Kingdom Come

In this week's service we made us of some of the Thy Kingdom Come resources. TKC suggests 5 activities Churches can do to pray. One of them is agreeing a time when we will all pray for a few minutes and optionally follow the guidance in the TKC document. If you think it's a good idea we could start one week day evening next week perhaps? Thoughts welcome.

Here is the website.

Coffee Mornings

Also do remember we have our coffee morning hosted by Denise, every Saturday at 10:30 am. So there is still lots going on at EMCC.

Performing Arts Mission

As mentioned in our service today you can find out more about the Performing Arts Mission here on the Facebook page ….



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