
 Hi all,

In this week's service we will be talking about obedience and doing no harm. After I recorded the service I read a little story that I thought was worth sharing with you. If you follow us on Facebook then you have already seen it. The story is based on a photograph with a very, very long queue. Why is the queue there? Some parents made a plea to their local community, they asked for help as their 5 year old was dying. The child needed a donor and they wanted people to step forward to be swabbed to see if they are a match. The community answered the call, 5,000 people lined up to be tested, to see if they could help. It emphasizes the point that built into each of us is the desire to help our community, to protect one another, and especially our youngest and most vulnerable. This inherent, instinctive function is common to us and God, we are built in his image.

The children have prepared another little clip for you this morning, that I hope makes you smile. Josh plays the part of the telex machine.

Jon, Helen, Josh and Beth xx


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07884 232829

01752 480319

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Please remember you can get these notices via our notices blog on this page of our website: so if you don't get this email do check there, anytime.


An apology from us to the uniformed organisations, it would have been great to include goodbyes to Simon from you in last week's service and that is an oversight on our part. We hope you are all staying safe and have been able to pass on your thoughts directly to Simon.


For those who would like to we are continuing our Wednesday prayers, starting at 7pm we are each praying at home. We end at 715 with the Lord's prayer. You can find out more on our website.


There has been some discussion around re-opening the building for private prayer. Di has asked me to advise you that the stewards and Simon have taken the decision not to do so. Please do join us Wednesdays at 7.

We could open this church building for private prayer – but
we won’t.
Why not? Because if you came here to pray we’d have to:
Make you wash or sanitise your hands at the door.
Instruct you to wear a mask.
Ask you if you had covid symptoms, underlying health
problems or feel unwell (and turn you away if the
answer to any of those was “Yes”).
Tell you which seat you could sit in.
Warn you not to sing.
Make sure you left by a different door.
Then clean and sanitise every surface you touched.
Alternatively you could:
Sit in an armchair at home with a cup of tea.
Sit on a bench watching the birds.
Walk along the sea front,
and talk to God just as easily.
You don’t need special words, a special place, special
objects or special people to talk to God.
He loves you, and He’s listening. So just do it.
This church building is still shut. The ears of heaven are not!


You can find all our services on our Church website here….


Please do remember these both take place via Zoom each Sunday at 10:30. Please contact me for joining details.


Please remember Denise hosts a coffee morning at 1030 each Saturday on Zoom, please get in touch for zoon details.


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